In all honesty, I am glad 2013 is over. I am a person that enjoys fresh starts, hopes, and setting goals. So thinking things through, I have thought of my goals for 2014. I like to go specific with these so how I accomplish these goals is more specific (i.e. I'm not going to "work out more" I'm going to run a total of 10 miles a week and weight train 3x a week).
1. Run 5 5k's
This sounds pretty intense but I have run a 5k before and I can do it again. I got sloppy this past summer with my running. I want to start training in March/April, depending on Chicago weather, followed by a race once a month. I have a few friends I know would like to run with me but it's something I can say I did. I am hoping these 5 5k's will be the stepping stone to something bigger, in terms of longer races and a healthier life.
2. Stop being so angry
So I don't think I have anger issues or anything but earlier today, a guy almost hit me while backing up in Jewel. Totally not a big deal, I ran out of the way, rolled my eyes, and kept moving. I got mad and assumed this guy was just didn't care I was there. And then he came driving up to me deeply apologizing and wishing me a happy new year. I shouldn't have jumped straight to anger and accusations. Sometimes mistakes happen and I should just forgive. Or earlier this month when our water was shut off for 3 or 4 hours while they did some roadwork. I got really mad--it was during dinner time! Le BF was totally not fazed. He just shrugged, say they had to do their jobs, and there was nothing we could do about it. I need to realize that things are a mistake, and not get angry when there isn't anything I can do to change the situation anyway. Also, I am totally an angry driver. Not dangerous, but I will honk and yell at you.
3. Read 50 Books
Okay, this is another big one but I figure I read about 25 or so books a year anyway. Now I need to up my game and not only read on the train but also at home. I will post lists of books I plan to read and reviews of some of my favorites. This is probably the resolution I am most excited about. Yay books!
4. Make better use of my time
I am looking at pinterest, reddit, and netflix right now. With pinterest I want to actually do some of the crafts, otherwise just limit my usage, the same with reddit. At the moment, I am saying that I am limiting my fun internet to an hour, which really isn't that much but should also be plenty. I would rather use this time to read, cook, play with my cat, clean house...
5. Spend my money better
I think I am actually pretty good with money. I am managing to save quite a bit and I don't put myself in any risky financial situations. However, I need to stop buying frivolous little things and prioritize my spending money. I plan on buying a new computer in 2014 and going on a European vacation in the fall so I'm going to be putting aside more money for that. I want to spend my money on more experiences and less on items.
So these are my specific resolutions for 2014 that I can mark my progress with. I am excited to embark on this new time in my life!