Thursday, May 8, 2014

One Small Change

Ever since moving in with Keith, I've slowly packed on the pounds. It's not a lot, a grand total of about 8 lbs, but as someone who used to take their health and fitness pretty seriously, it's enough to get me to do something. When I had a lifestyle change and lost 30 lbs, I did it by making just one small change a week. I'm talking one week cutting mayo out of sandwiches and next week adding tomatoes onto them. These small changes add up and now if you see me ordering at Subway, I get a huge pile of veggies on my sandwich.

The change I made this week is drinking only water and tea during the work week. I had this habit before moving in with Keith, but then when we would get home from work, he would offer me a beer or a glass of wine--and sure, why not! Combined with eating more sweets, I've slowly packed on the lbs. I am specifying water and tea though, so I don't resort to some other sweet beverage. 

At first I craved a sweet beverage--hot chocolate, frappuccino, anything!--but I pushed through since it is just a small change and the rest of my diet is still the same for now. I no longer have to use willpower to drink only water at night but I still crave those sugary beverages (not really beer though...). My addiction to sugar is pretty intense and those cravings are going to take a little longer to go away, but nothing I can't handle. For now, with drinking just water and tea, my body is well hydrated and I've cut out an easy 100 calories. It's small but it's a start.


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